Thursday 11 February 2016

Customer Survey

Just a quick post on the value of customer surveys. These surveys require next to no work but can provide a huge advantage by distinguishing customers that are happy and those that need a service.

A basic format for this can be just a quick email along the follow lines:

1. How would you rate your experience with us? (5= most satisfied, 1=least satisfied)
5  -  4  -  3  -  2  -  1

2. How would you rate our customer service? (5= most satisfied, 1=least satisfied)
5  -  4  -  3  -  2  -  1

3. How would you rate the work completed? (5= most satisfied, 1=least satisfied)
5  -  4  -  3  -  2  -  1
4. Please feel free to provide any other comments or suggestions:


That's a basic template for a quick customer survey. You can have it jazzed up and placed on a web page or you can send it out via plain text email. Either way it will serve it's purpose of identifying which customers require attention and which customers are happy enough to request reviews from (or look to continue relationships for repeat business and referrals).

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